Death of a Spouse/Partner

Explore our Book Library related to grief and life after losing a spouse or a partner:


“A helpful book for widowers. Talks to men openly and honestly about tears, guilt, feelings of anger, depression, isolation and loneliness. Also talks about your health, your job and other money matters, living alone and what to do with her things.” – Amazon


“Just when all seems lost, Jack begins to recover in a miraculous turn of events. He rises from what should have been his deathbed, determined to bring his fractured family back together. Struggling to rebuild their lives after Lizzie’s death, he reunites everyone at Lizzie’s childhood home on the oceanfront in South Carolina. And there, over one unforgettable summer, Jack will begin to learn to love again, and he and his children will learn how to become a family once more.” – Amazon


“Why Her Now has been in print since 1987, the first book by a widower that explores all aspects of a man’s grief at the loss of his wife to cancer. As more ‘Boomers begin to experience this in their own lives, Why Her Now becomes an even more valuable resource.”


“Donald Hall’s poignant and courageous poetry speaks of the death of the magnificent, humorous, and gifted Jane Kenyon. Hall speaks to us all of grief, as a poet lamenting the death of a poet, as a husband mourning the loss of a wife. Without is Hall’s greatest and most honorable achievement-his gift and testimony, his lament and his celebration of loss and of love.” – Amazon


“A classic work on grief, A Grief Observed is C.S. Lewis’s honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. Written after his wife’s tragic death as a way of surviving the “mad midnight moments,” A Grief Observed an unflinchingly truthful account of how loss can lead even a stalwart believer to lose all sense of meaning in the universe, and the inspirational tale of how he can possibly regain his bearings. ” – Amazon
